Sensory Soft Play
Sensory Soft Play is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation Charity No 1183273. A Sussex-based charity that support parent carers’ of children and young people with SEND in Hastings and the surrounding areas. We provide respite sessions on a Saturday, Holiday Clubs, funded trips out, an on-line support Facebook page. Our activities include multi-sensory experiences, arts and crafts activities, forest school, soft play.
We also have a Sensory Room that can be hired out by the hour. For more information about this and some pictures of it please click here.
Sensory Soft Play is a parent-led organisation, managed by a board of trustees made up of parents and professionals. We get funding from local authorities, as well as from charitable trusts and through our own fundraising. To find out more, visit our Facebook page @sensoftplay.
To make a donation please access our just giving page : Sensory Soft Play – JustGiving
***** EMERGENCY ROOF FUND CROWD FUNDING CAMPAIGN ****** Sensory Soft Play Roof Fund – a Community crowdfunding project in Hastings by Sensory Soft Play (crowdfunder.co.uk)

You can also make a payment via paypal to info@sensoftplay.co.uk PLEASE SELECT FRIENDS AND FAMILY so we don’t pay any fees.
Please find our Facebook page @Sensoftplay for up to date events. Our sessions are extremely popular so please email in the first instance. Email lisa.henderson@sensoftplay.co.uk