Holiday Club Policy

  3. Policy on Accidents/ Illness and Emergencies


Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs



A fully completed registration form is a legal requirement for each child attending the Club. This form contains information concerning your child and is confidential. If you have any queries or concerns regarding the information requested please discuss with Lisa Henderson.

The information provided will ensure that Staff are fully informed about all of your child’s individual requirements and enables us to get to know your child before they arrive, as well as update us with any personal information that may affect your child’s emotional and physical behaviour whilst in our care.

All the information provided is treated with the utmost confidence and will be securely filed to ensure maximum privacy and security of your personal data. Required Forms to be completed for each child:

Registration Form

Medical Form

Photograph Consent Form


These Principles establish the professional and ethical framework for playwork and as such must be regarded as a whole.  They describe what is unique about play and playwork, and provide the playwork perspective for working with children and young people. They are based on the recognition that children and young people’s capacity for positive development will be enhanced if given access to the broadest range of environments and play opportunities.

  1. All children and young people need to play. The impulse to play is innate. Play is a biological, psychological and social necessity, and is fundamental to the healthy development and well-being of individuals and communities.
  2. Play is a process that is freely chosen, personally directed and intrinsically motivated. That is, children and young people determine and control the content and intent of their play, by following their own instincts, ideas and interests, in their own way for their own reasons.
  3. The prime focus and essence of playwork is to support and facilitate the play process and this should inform the development of play policy, strategy, training and education.
  4. For playworkers, the play process takes precedence and playworkers act as advocates for play when engaging with adult led agendas.
  5. The role of the playworker is to support all children and young people in the creation of a space in which they can play,
  6. The playworker’s response to children and young people playing is based on a sound up to date knowledge of the play process, and reflective practice.
  7. Playworkers recognise their own impact on the play space and also the impact of children and young people’s play on the playworker.
  8. Playworkers choose an intervention style that enables children and young people to extend their play. All playworker intervention must balance risk with the developmental benefit and well-being of children

We actively welcome parents and invite their input into the Club in the following ways:

  • We collect information from parents which will help their child to settle at the club (via the Registration and Medical forms).  Please see our Privacy Note and GDPR policy available at our website
  • We involve parents in settling their children in at the Club, if required.
  • We consult fully with parents to establish the care requirements for children with additional needs.
  • We greet all parents when they arrive to collect their children, and exchange any relevant information (e.g. any accidents, participation in today’s activities, etc.)
  • We conduct satisfaction surveys with parents and children at the Club to gain regular feedback.
  • All of our staff wear a polo shirt so that children and parents can easily identify them.
  • We always seek and obtain parental permission for, photographs.
  • We can arrange for parental discussions with staff outside of Club hours if necessary.
  • We respect parents’ input and opinions by responding promptly and appropriately to any concerns arising.


Whilst at Sensory Soft Play we expect both children and adults to:

  • Use socially acceptable behaviour
  • Comply with Sensory Soft Play policies and procedures
  • Respect one another, accepting differences of race, gender, ability, age and religion
  • Ask for assistance if needed

The club will promote and actively encourage good behaviour by leading by example and by staff respecting each other and the children. It is believed that by adopting a culture of sharing and caring, engaging rules of action and consequence and by the adults leading by example, any incidents of bullying, name calling, or aggression will be minimised. By establishing clear boundaries according to the child’s level of understanding, children become aware of routines and settings and know what is expected of them. One child’s behaviour must not be allowed to endanger the other children in the group by absorbing or distracting the supervising staff. Parents are expected to provide suitable detail in terms of behavioural traits of their children when registering their child or when there is a significant change.

Children will be made aware of the effects of their behaviour on others and methods of discussion and distraction shall be used when confronting behaviour issues. No undue stress shall be placed on the child in terms of humiliation, segregation or any form of physical punishment. Incident sheets will be used to record any incident where handling or physical intervention is needed. Sheets will be kept on file and copies and made available to parents.

If a child’s behaviour is concerning Sensory Soft Play, the Team Lead Sessional Worker will ensure the following steps will be taken:

  • The child will be given a verbal warning and explanation about why their behaviour is unacceptable and be encouraged how to do this.
  • If this does not resolve the matter then the parent will be informed
  • In the unlikely event that the behaviour does not improve Sensory Soft Play reserve the right to exclude the child from the club on a temporary or permanent basis.
  • If at any time a child’s behaviour is harming others enjoyment, or is putting themselves in danger then temporary or permanent exclusion may be implemented immediately.
  • Sensory Soft Play will make sure that staff will receive training, if required, in respect of basic behavioural management and how to control situations to ensure the safety of the children.
  • Policy on Accidents/ Illness and Emergencies

At Sensory Soft Play we endeavour to deal promptly and effectively with any illnesses or injuries that may occur while children are in our care. We take all practical steps to keep staff and children safe from communicable diseases.


All parents or carers must complete the Medical Form when their child joins the Club, giving permission for emergency medical treatment for their child in the event of a serious accident or illness. Whilst we will endeavour to co-operate with parents in administering medicine to children at times due when they are attending the Club, this cannot be done without written consent with FULL instructions being provided by the Parent / Carer. All medicine must be handed over to staff.  No child may keep any medicine / drugs on their person or in their possession (including school bags).

We will record any accidents or illnesses, together with any treatment given, on an Incident Record or Accident Record sheet as appropriate, which the parent or carer will be asked to sign when they collect the child.

Sensory Soft Play cannot accept children who are ill. If any children are ill when they first arrive at the Club we will immediately notify their parents or carers to come and collect them. Any children who have been ill should not return to the Club until they have fully recovered, or until after the minimum exclusion period has expired (see table at the end of this policy).

There is a first aid box available to all staft and at the Club. The designated First Aider team lead will regularly check the contents of the first aid box to ensure that they are up to date, appropriate for children and comply with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.

The manager will ensure that a first aid kit is taken on all outings and that at least one member of staff on the outing holds a current paediatric first aid certificate.


Procedure for a minor injury or illness

The sessional worker at the session will decide upon the appropriate action to take if a child becomes ill or suffers a minor injury.

  • If a child becomes ill during a session, the parent or carer will be asked to collect the child as soon as possible. The child will be kept comfortable and will be closely supervised while awaiting collection.
  • If a child complains of illness which does not impair their overall wellbeing, the child will be monitored for the rest of the session and the parent or carer will be notified when the child is collected.
  • If a child suffers a minor injury, first aid will be administered and the child will be monitored for the remainder of the session. If necessary, the child’s parent will be asked to collect the child as soon as possible.

Procedure for a major injury or serious illness

In the event of a child becoming seriously ill or suffering a major injury, the first aider at the session will decide whether the child needs to go straight to hospital or whether it is safe to wait for their parent or carer to arrive.

  • If the child needs to go straight to hospital, we will call an ambulance and a member of staff will go to the hospital with the child. The staff member will take the child’s Medical Form with them and will consent to any necessary treatment (as approved by the parents on the Medical Form).
  • We will contact the child’s parents or carers with all urgency, and if they are unavailable we will call the other emergency contacts that we have on file for the child.
  • After a major incident the manager and staff will review the events and consider whether any changes need to be made to the Club’s policies or procedures.

Communicable diseases and conditions

If a case of head lice is found at the Club, the child’s parents or carers will be discreetly informed when they collect the child. Other parents will be warned to check their own children for head lice, but care will be taken not to identify the child affected.

If an infectious or communicable disease is detected on the Club’s premises, we will inform parents and carers as soon as possible.

If there is an incident of food poisoning affecting two or more children looked after at the Club the Manager will inform Ofsted.

If there is an outbreak of a notifiable disease at the Club, we will inform the local health protection unit, HSE under RIDDOR (if appropriate), and Ofsted.



Sensory Soft Play is run for our users and value the opinions and suggestions of staff, parents/ carers and children alike. We run an open policy of discussion where we encourage all parties to freely discuss any matter relating to the wellbeing, happiness and safety of the children with any member of staff.

Verbal complaints will be logged by the relevant member of staff and brought to the attention of the Manager at the earliest opportunity. The manager will review the complaint and decide on any relevant action to be taken. It is our policy to resolve any minor issues that Parents / Carers or the children may have within 5 working days. Should an investigation be required into any matter reported, the manager may request the person making the complaint to complete a written form, which will be duly provided.

All written complaints will be acknowledged in writing within five working days of receiving the complaint and a full written response will be issued within 28 days, following full and thorough investigation of the complaint.

The Manager will follow the complaint guidelines stated below:

  1. Every complaint will be afforded the strictest confidence and discussion will remain between the parties concerned and the Manager.
  • On receipt of verbal complaint, the Manager will contact the relevant person within 24 hours to acknowledge the details and clarify any queries.
  • The Manager will meet with all relevant parties to discuss the issues raised and endeavour to resolve any misunderstandings or correct any issue deemed to be agreed as needing action. A plan of action will be agreed and if required will be put into writing for both parties to acknowledge.
  • A full and thorough investigation will be carried out and documented by the Manager, through verbal interviewing and discussion with all relevant parties involved. Should the Manager consider that an accusation be deemed so serious as to question the safety of any child/ren in our care or that they may be at risk in any way, immediate action will be taken to remove the person involved, against whom the accusation has been made, or rectify / make safe any area that is of concern.
  • On completion of the investigation, within 28 days, the Manager will meet with all parties to discuss the complaint and the contents of that meeting will be documented. The manager will endeavour to resolve any issues or take appropriate action to rectify any upheld complaint.
  • All records of complaints will be held on file for inspection by parents /carers upon request

At Sensory Soft Play Club, we will ensure that we provide a safe and caring environment, free from discrimination, for everyone in our community including children with additional needs.

To achieve the Club’s objective of creating an environment free from discrimination and welcoming to all, the Club will:

  • Respect the different racial origins, religions, cultures and languages in a multi-ethnic society so that each child is valued as an individual without racial or gender stereotyping.
  • Not discriminate against children on the grounds of disability, sexual orientation, class, family status and HIV/Aids status.
  • Help all children to celebrate and express their cultural and religious identity by providing a wide range of appropriate resources and activities.
  • Strive to ensure that children feel good about themselves and others, by celebrating the differences which make us all unique individuals.
  • Ensure that its services are available to all parents/carers and children in the local community.
  • Ensure that the Club’s recruitment policies and procedures are open, fair and non- discriminatory.
  • Work to fulfil all the legal requirements of the Equality Act 2010.

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